Decoding Growth Spurts: What Parents Need to Know

Published on: December 24, 2024

Growth spurts are periods of rapid growth that occur throughout childhood and adolescence. They're a normal part of development, but they can sometimes be confusing or concerning for parents. This article will explain what growth spurts are, when they happen, and how you can best support your child through these exciting phases.

What are Growth Spurts?

Growth spurts are periods of accelerated physical growth, primarily in height and weight. They're driven by hormonal changes, particularly the release of growth hormone. During a growth spurt, a child's bones lengthen, muscles develop, and overall body size increases noticeably.

When Do Growth Spurts Occur?

Growth spurts happen at different times throughout childhood:

Signs a Child is Having a Growth Spurt

Here are some common signs that a child is going through a growth spurt:

Supporting Your Child During a Growth Spurt

Here's how you can help your child during a growth spurt:

When to Consult a Doctor

While growth spurts are normal, it's essential to consult a doctor if: